Infusing Academic Integrity in Your Course: Fostering Creativity in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
Workshop offered at Central Maine Community College
Par Martine Peters, Université du Québec en Outaouais
References extracted from the slides
Slide 4: PUPP web site
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Slide 6 : Context : two tsunamis : the pandemic and ChatGPT
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Slide 10: Definition of Traditional Plagiarism
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Slide 11-12: Plagiarism or Not?
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Slide 13: The Era of Prehistoric Writing (2021)
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Slide 14-16: The Era of Honest Writing with IA2 (2023)
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Slide 17: Analyze, Use Critical Thinking Skills
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Slide 22: Planning an Assessment Task that Promotes Creativity and Academic Integrity Model
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Slide 26: Human vs Artificial Intelligence According to Chomsky
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Slide 27 : Bloom’s Taxonomy
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Slide 28-31 : Originality Versus Creativity
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Slide 34 : Types of Assessments
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Slide 36-38: Cognitive Offloading
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Slide 39: Why Authentic Assessment?
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Slide 40: Authentic Assessment Tasks
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Slide 41-42: Authentic Assessment
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Slide 43: Instructions
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Slide 44 : Rules for Tools
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Slide 45: AI2-Proof Instructions
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Slide 46: Evaluation Criteria
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Slide 51: Conclusion For Us and for Them: the Fundamental Values of Academic Integrity
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