Digital Scrapbooking Strategies in Universities (2016-2019)


This project aims to examine training given to Québec’s university students regarding Digital Scrapbooking Strategies (DSS) and their usage by students themselves.

Data collection took place in 2016 and 2017 in six Quebec universities: University of Sherbrooke, University of Montreal, University of Quebec in Chicoutimi, University of Quebec in Montreal, University of Quebec in Abitibi-Témiscamingue and University of Quebec in Outaouais. Thirty-two semi-structured group interviews were conducted with students as well as 50 individual interviews with professors and lecturers. In addition, an online questionnaire was administered to students and teachers.

The results obtained allowed us to draw a portrait of the usage of DSS withing Quebec’s educational system and to formulate recommendations to professors and members of the administration regarding solutions to reduce plagiarism within their own institution.

This project, resulting in teacher training, should improve and adjust teacher’s pedogagical skills so that they can better train their students to use DSS and therefore decrease plagiarism.

Grant obtained from SSHRC.


You can consult the publications and communications carried out by our team as part of this research project by clicking on the links below:

Click here to access the list of publications on Digital Scrapbooking Strategies

Click here to access the list of communications on Digital Scrapbooking Strategies