Hybrid collaborative training on Digital Scrapbooking Strategies


This project aims to expand teachers and actors in education’s knowledge in order for them to teach DSS and promote academic integrity amongst Quebec and France’s students. An innovative approach is proposed for this project which combines online and face-to-face training, simultaneously promoting collaboration amongst the participants.

  1. Monthly online training, open to all actors in education in Québec and France. This community includes participants, animators, a learning plateform including diverse activities (round tables, presentations, videoconferencing, workshops, forums, multimedia content, etc.). The themes will evolve around the usage of DSS  for the development of informational, writing and referencing skills as well as knowledge on academic integrity and plagiarism. If you would like to view the webinars (in French only), you can click here for the 2017-2018 webinars and click here for the 2018-2019 webinars.
  2. Two hybrid training sessions Barcamp style (open non-conference, informal meeting, thematic workshops) will address DSS usage, training and teaching in May and June 2018. The participants will be actively involved regarding the choice of workshops offered. The two events respectively took place in May 2018 in Gatineau (Québec, Canada), and in July 2018 in Nancy (France). Our barcamps were declared a success by the participants!

Graint obtained from FRQNT, and is a collaboration between the Université du Québec en Outaouais with Université de Lorraine and Université de Toulouse (France).